Friday Fun

Well, we’re near the end of week three on the slow carb diet.  So far, not much weight has been lost, but the way we’ve been eating, we should have gained at least 10 lbs if the simple “calories in – calories out” rule was accurate.

So we’ve come to the conclusion that “calories in – calories out” is kind of like “buy low, sell high”: a gross oversimplification.  So whereas this diet has not led to the kind of weight loss we’d hoped for, it’s been far from a waste of time.  Odds are, it will merely require some tweaks, which we are currently researching.

In the course of said research, I found this.  Yes, “The Drinking Man’s Diet.”  If that’s not for us, I don’t know what is :D.  Not sure if we’ll end up trying it as described, but it was certainly worth pointing out.

Lastly, on the subject of the slow carb diet, I had an epiphany last night regarding slow carb desserts, and it is this:  It’s ok to have up to 1 can of diet soda per day on this diet, and said diet soda, if used judiciously, can serve as a sweetener for pretty much anything.  You could probably even make a decent BBQ sauce with diet soda instead of e.g. honey if you use more tomato paste to thicken.

But whereas we haven’t tried BBQ sauce yet, I did, last night, make one of the tastiest beverages I have ever tried; and it’s totally “slow carb kosher,” and ridiculously easy to make:

Add 4 tbsp peanut butter to 1 can of diet Dr. Pepper in a glass.  Use an immersion blender to blend until smooth.    Try not to drink too quickly.

Well, that’s it for this week.  Back on Monday with… well we’re not sure yet, but as always, we’ll do our best to make it informative and/or entertaining.

Have great weekend, and Bon Appetit!