Miserable Monday is Now Somber Sunday

We now have three weeks down on the Slow-Carb diet.  Due to our ever changing schedule, we have switched Cheat Day to Saturday.  Hence the now Somber Sunday.

I sit here early on Sunday morning wishing it was once again Cheat Day but alas, all I have is memories  . . .  and pictures . . . from yesterday.  That will have to tide us over til next week.

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Miserable Monday Part Deux

Miserable Monday . . . the dreaded day AFTER cheat day!!


Week two of the Slow-Carb diet is now under our belt (so to speak) as is our second cheat day which happened to fall on Mother’s Day. Sadly both of our moms are more than 2,700 miles away so while we were unable to celebrate with them, we thought we would celebrate it in their honor instead (and me. . . as I am the mom to a 4-legged offspring).

With careful planning (location, cuisine and most importantly, all-you-can-drink options) we chose Little Fork in Hollywood.

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Surviving Week-One on the Slow Carb Diet

I love food. Pretty much all  food actually.  But if I had to fine tune that opinion even further, I would have to say that I am a carb head. I LOVE CARBS. Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, pizza, crackers, chips, pretzels, couscous . . . I probably haven’t met too many carbs I haven’t liked. Or loved actually.

I have dieted on and off most of my adult life. Weight Watchers. Calorie Counting. Glycemic Index Diet. Grapefruit Diet. Cabbage Soup Diet. No matter my weight issues over the years the one diet I ALWAYS swore off was Atkins. But mind you, I also LOVE meat (and especially after living in Buenos Aires where we ate it A LOT!!!) but having meat and no french fries? Having a burger with no bun? Meatballs without spaghetti? Nope, that just wasn’t for me.

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